IVJLIS is being positioned as an internationally refereed journal published bi-annually in (May and November) by the Department of Library and Information Science in the Faculty of Communication and Information Sciences, University of Ilorin, Nigeria. Thus, issues will be identified as Volume 1, (Issue 1, May), 2018, Vol. 1, (Issue 2, Nov), 2018, etc. It is dedicated to the exchange of the latest research and practical information in the field of Library and Information Science. The journal publishes original research and case studies by Librarians, Library and Information Science academics and government contributors, and other information professionals on the key areas of information science, library science, archives, and records management, including best practices, policies, and guidelines.



Research papers and articles submitted to IVJLIS should be original contributions and should not be under consideration by any other publication outlet at the same time. The contributors warrant that the work is an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publishers of any breach of such a warranty. The work submitted by the contributor and published by the journal will become the legal copyright of the publisher unless otherwise specified.